
This website demonstrates a variety of projects with different and unusual themes. My main goal is to let the viewers use their imagination and be influenced by my work, which is a result of research, creativity and innovation.


“Reality” suggests the importance of light, time and space in magnificent and metaphysical themes which therefore question the natural world and reality itself. In order to achieve this result the source of my images come from scientific videos and none of which are about ordinary objects that we use everyday. The fact that one day science might be able to explain the universe as whole is both celebrated and questioned within this work. The use of light, time and space are still visible in the images which were taken from a computer screen which in its wholeness is still part of our universe and its vastness that were depicted in the original scientific videos. They are just not present. Photography with its components of light and time can also be used as a metaphor in order to create extraordinary things such as this one as long as a judge of what is true and not. What kind of truth is being revealed to us here? At first sight, these images are misleading, ineffective and simple. Deeper in them they reveal truths that overcome our attempts to understand and explain the natural world.

“Inspired By The Void” is about exploring the darkness of space and visualising with a metaphorical way events that take place in space and the vastness of the universe. The events I am talking about are more specifically about black holes and how we represent, depict and visualise them. My aim is to give them a different optical and allow the viewer to see them as artworks and inspirational sources and not just scientific evidence.

“Non-Transience Of time”, is a visual representation of events that occur in the universe. Such as the black holes collision,  how black holes collect all these objects around them and how we might think the inside of one is like.


“Omertà” is a conceptual project where I combined different techniques I found from research. I wanted to combine the southern Italian mafia code called Omertà, which means, I don’t speak, I don’t see, I don’t hear, with the greek outlaw aesthetic which I got influenced by several greek musicians. Finally I decided to stage the images so I could have the result I wanted.

“Urban Rhythm” is based on a photoshoot that took place in an event called “Grab Da Mic” in Portsmouth and is held by the Word Of Mouth community. Think of “Urban Rhythm” as a representation of a music genre where the artists are called to write songs about their wild lifestyle and their way to success. The extreme clothing and style reflect on their lifestyle which leads them to keep a low profile and cover their identity.